Keywords: An overview of Kubernetes Integration with Prometheus and Grafana of HA Kubernetes Cluster. Kubernetes Prometheus Grafana screenshots Full Kubernetes Monitoring for Services and Clusters Here are some screenshots of Kubernetes Xtreme AIO, which aims to provide an ALL-in-ONE State of the Art Kubernetes cluster that comes with some of the heavily demanded services that are not simple to integrate on Kubernetes, examples of which areJenkins with dynamic Pod Slave Provisioning Full Blasting Mongo ClusterRedis Sentinel ClusterElasticsearch Cluster… etcI aim to make things as flexible as possible when comes to scalability. knowing the heart of kubernetes and the orchestration powers it possesses makes it the perfect tool to have just about everything on it. What makes this so special and unique is not only do you get the clusters on full blown up scalability, but you also get one whole monitoring package that includes all of these services monitoring from stats and health standpoint. API, Pods and Workloads Nodes Resources ETCD and Replication Core DNS Storage PVC Nginx Ingress Controller Jenkins Dynamic Pools Health Fluentbit Redis Prometheus, Grafana and Cluster Overall Keywords: An overview of Kubernetes Integration with Prometheus and Grafana of HA Kubernetes Cluster. Kubernetes Prometheus Grafana screenshots