Easy sFTP - Easy File Transfers and Remote Command/Script Execution What is Easy sFTP and how is it different? Easy sFTP is a project I worked on to get around many limitations with SSH and SCP in a variety of use cases, some of which are, environment related, others fall under the automation umbrella.What makes Easy sFTP unique is its absolute ease of use as well as bringing some of the best features of ansible, SSH, and SCP worlds in a single simple binary form that requires zero dependencies to run. Features Pull/Push File/Directory transfersRemote Complex Command ExecutionRemote Script ExecutionIndependent of both SSH and SCPSupports config via Env VarsUnlike Ansible it does not require any installs (No prerequisites)Works on almost any Linux distroIn-place Updates Use Cases Configuring air-gapped environments Running in ContainersCronjobs and BackupsSystems where SCP cannot be installedIssues with broken environments General Configuration manager where Ansible cannot be run or cannot be installed, or is too much to install.Lightning fast, get the binary, and off you go!Easy sFTP is NOT a Ansible replacement although it could be identically used in such fashion to provide similar functionality for the use cases above.My project was inspired by Ansible, being a big fan of it. Installation Note that if at any point the package you’re trying to use is outdated, you always have the option to download an official binary from the Easy sFTP project, alternatively use the in-place updates by simply running easy-sftp --updateSelf in-place updates are supported since v1.1These are up to date binaries, built in a reproducible and verifiable way, that you can download and run without having to do additional installation work.Please see the Official Binaries section below for various downloads. Getting Started Download the binary from the Downloads section or get the source code on git here rename the binary if needed (no restrictions on the naming) Add the binary to your path ex: /usr/local/bin/easy-sftp or simply call it directly as ./easy-sftp Get the help menu by simply doing easy-sftp --help Examples Quick Hint: It is advisable that you export arguments as environment vars, to simply avoid having to type them each time you call easy-sftpEnvironment vars follow the exact same naming as –arg, such that:--localpath=/backup/file.tgz and export localpath=/backup/file.tgz are the same exact thing, except that --localpath has higher precedence over environment defined varsi.e if export server= and --server= then the final server value becomes Remote Complex Command Execution: $ command='echo $HOSTNAME; X=1while [ $X -lt 5 ]; do echo $X X=$(expr $X + 1) sleep 1sdone'$ easy-sftp -a command -s dev1.peter.loc -u root -k id_rsa -c "$command"dev1.peter.loc1234 Remote Script Execution: $ cat /tmp/test_script.sh#!/bin/bashdf -h | grep nvmels -la /dev/sd*echo “——————-“echo “End of Test Script”$ easy-sftp -a command -s dev1.peter.loc -u root -k id_rsa -c "/tmp/test_script.sh"/dev/nvme0n1p1 459G 84G 352G 20% /nvmebrw-rw—-. 1 root disk 8, 0 Mar 14 10:57 /dev/sdabrw-rw—-. 1 root disk 8, 1 Mar 14 10:57 /dev/sda1brw-rw—-. 1 root disk 8, 16 Mar 14 10:57 /dev/sdbbrw-rw—-. 1 root disk 8, 17 Mar 14 10:57 /dev/sdb1——————-End of Test Script Python Execution: To Execute Python Code on remote server .. you’ll need first to copy that script onto remote server then execute it.$ cat /tmp/python_script.py#!/bin/python print("This is awesome") k = 5 for i in range(k): print(i) $ export sshuser=root$ export privkey=id_rsa$ export server=dev1.peter.loc$ easy-sftp -a send -l /tmp/python_script.py -r /tmp/python_script.pythen execute it:$ easy-sftp -a command -c 'chmod +x /tmp/python_script && /tmp/python_script.py 2>&1 'This is awesome012345 File/Dir push/pull to/from remote is quite straightforward, as well as the built-in Manual should be descriptive enough. $ easy-sftp --help Author: Peter Malaty Date: 07-10-2021 App: Easy-sFTP v1.3 Help Options: -h, --help : Check Usage (display this help) -x, --verbose : Enable verbosity Flag, otherwise quiet (mostly for debug) -a, --action : send|receive|command -l, --localpath : Local File Path -r, --remotepath : Remore File Path -s, --server : Hostname/IP of remote server -u, --sshuser : ssh username -p, --sshpass : ssh password (If specified) then --privkey is ignored -o, --port : SSH remote port -k, --privkey : SSH private key (wont have any effect if --sshpass is specified) -c, --command : This could be either a command or a script ex: '/path/to/script' | 'df -h' (if command is specified any sftp arguments are ignored) -v, --version : Display version -i, --update : In-place Update Manual: General Info: 1. In terms of File/Dir types, everything is auto-detected for all local and remote operations 2. When using --command if the command is a string that is a file on your local, it will treat it as script. if command is anything that is not a "file", it'll treat it as just a command. ex: --command='/root/backup.sh' it'll evaluate that as a file if it exists, otherwise --command='fdisk -l' will be treated as command Complex commands allowed too. 3. Env Variables follow the exact same naming as --arg. ex: (--localpath=/data/backup.tgz same as export localpath=/data/backup.tgz same as -l /data/backup.tgz) 4. Arguments specified on the command line have higher precedence and will OVERRIDE variables with the same name in Environment vars Receive File mode: Local File MUST be given a name easy-sftp -l './filename_on_local' -r '/path/to/pull/remote/file' -s '' -u 'peter' -p 'pass' -o 22 -a receive Receive Dir mode: Local Dir MUST exist easy-sftp -l './' -r '/tmp/testdir' -s '' -u 'peter' -p 'pass' -o 22 -a receive will result in ./testdir/files_and_dirs_in_here Send Dir Mode: The Source Dir will be created under remote path along with any anon existing dirs specified in the remote destination path easy-sftp -l './testdir' -r '/tmp' -s '' -u 'peter' -p 'pass' -o 22 -a send will result in /tmp/testdir/files_and_dirs_in_here Send File Mode: You Must Specify the name of the destination file easy-sftp -l './somefile' -r '/tmp/somefile' -s '' -u 'peter' -p 'pass' -o 22 -a send Key example: easy-sftp -a send -l ./somefile.tgz -r /backups/somefile.tgz -s host.example.com -o 2222 -u root -k /home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa Conclusion: As can be seen, the process is literally as easy as it could possibly get, with least fiddling required.P.S: the program will accept any host fingerprint for convenience and will not alert on new or changed ones, this is not a big issue if you’re doing things locally and you know what you’re doing. I’d say to ensure highest level of security, run ssh or ssh-keyscan beforehand to check host fingerprint (as best security practice especially for servers exposed in the DMZ zone.) Regular Updates To ensure you stay up-to-date with latest versions add the updates check to cron:crontab -l | { cat; echo "0 0 * * * echo y | /usr/local/bin/easy-sftp --update >> /var/log/easy-sftp-updates.log 2>&1"; } | crontab -change /usr/local/bin/easy-sftp based on your setup. Downloads Latest Easy sFTP BinaryGit Source CodeProgram is equipped with self in-place updates simply run easy-sftp --update